The story is set around a bench of different people, not as main characters, but as examples of how people are responding to the enviormental issue differently. The story aslo reveals to the reader about some of the things people are doing to both help and make the issues look less important than they really are. Some of the people talked about within the story glorified but others were made to look like they werent really interested in helping the enviorment, just using the issue for their own benefit. It maybe true about some people, but in reality, even if at the time it was for personal gain, the efforts opened the eyes of thousands. Former President Al Gore was one who mainly focused on Global Warming, instead of enviorments. Will former Presidnet Clinton focused on the forest and help save some of the foests. Granted the story does state, "Presidential politics could help the cause as well. With a shove from the man who hopes to succeed him and an eye on his legacy,..." I feel that the Author was crizising the former Presidents and was, in a way, saying that they did not do enough. They opened the eyes of millions. Without them there really wouldn't of been as big of a push as there has been. People would of just believed that it was anouther consperiacy. We all know of Global Warming, and we are now dealing with the effects on the enviorment.
Also noticing all the animals that no longer have a home coming into cities and urban areas inseach of new food forces and/or new homes. After everything that has been happening many would try to be comming up with their owbn theroies of why things are happening the way they are. Scientist and the "celeberties" have helped open the publics eyes to the issues that are surrounding us. Those that take a step forward and actually try to get people to join the problem, or even just letting others know about the issue should get more credit than they are given. In all honesty I found this story very boring and really hard to keep reading. Too many number were thrown within the short story. I couldnt stay focused beacuse personally, I did not find the story at all appealing.
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